Thursday, April 16, 2020

Glimmer 0.5.4 Video Widget and Glimmer Command Enhancements

Glimmer 0.5.4 desktop development library for Ruby just shipped with the following:
- Glimmer command --log-level option
- Glimmer command env var support
- Improvements to video widget (new methods and events to listen to)

Here are more details regarding the video widget.

New Methods:

#reload: reloads video restarting from beginning
#position: position in seconds (and fractions)
#position=: seeks a new position in video
#duration: length of video, maximum video position possible
#loaded?: returns true when video has been initially loaded or reloaded
#playing?: returns true when video is actively playing
#paused?: returns true when video is not playing
#ended?: returns true when video has reached the end (position == duration)

New Events (to observe):

on_loaded: invoked when video #loaded? becomes true
on_ended: invoked when video #ended? becomes true
on_playing: invoked when video #playing? becomes true
on_paused: invoked when video #paused? becomes true


Happy Glimmering!

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