Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Announcing 2 Talks for Montreal.rb Meetup in April 2023

The next Montreal.rb meetup (April 5, 2023) has been announced and will include 2 talks!!

Talk 1 - Rails Already Supports View Components - 30 minutes

There are several view component Ruby gems out there that were created and used by Rails developers in order to decompose application views into view components. Little did they know, Rails already supports view components!!! This talk will explain the various ways Rails already supports view components out of the box. And as part of that, it will demonstrate that the built-in Rails view component options are simpler, more Rails-idiomatic, and more conformant to the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller). As such, they offer higher maintainability and productivity by avoiding the big great evil of Over-Engineering and NIH-Syndrome (Not Invented Here). 

Talk 2 - Internal Productivity Tooling CLI - 30 minutes 

This is a talk on Potloc's internal productivity tooling CLI (Command Line Interface), including a short demo and tour of the codebase to complement. 


P.S. I have been promoted by Mathieu Gagné to a secondary organizer of the Montreal.rb meetup group (The Montreal Ruby Programming Language Community Meetup Group). If you would like to share useful knowledge with others in the Montreal Ruby community by giving a talk, please hit me up! The only requirement is that you work in Ruby or Rails at a senior level.

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