Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Drum Solo Demo of Glimmer Metronome (+ Menus & Shortcuts)

I recorded a drum solo to demo Glimmer Metronome (click to see a video demo with audio)Glimmer Metronome is a Ruby-based metronome GUI app that supports different beat counts, click sounds, and tempos, including tap-based tempo calculation. It was built with Glimmer DSL for SWT using JRuby to help me with my drumming practice. Glimmer Metronome just received a new update in version 1.1.4 that adds menus and keyboard shortcuts, thus becoming more user-friendly when used via the keyboard alone. 

Here is another direct demo of Glimmer Metronome (click to see a video demo with audio).

Below is full documentation of Glimmer Metronome's features, including the new menus and keyboard shortcuts.


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