Thursday, May 04, 2023

Montreal.rb May 2023 REST API Integration via Microsoft Kiota

The video for the Montreal.rb May 3, 2023 talk "Integrating with REST APIs using Microsoft Kiota" has been posted!

Talk Description:

Your application integration with 3rd party APIs can be difficult if your application platform does not offer SDKs for calling the APIs. Implementation of authentication, authorization, serialization, and exception handling for calling APIs adds a lot of work and risk to your project. Join us for a session filled with demos that showcase how to generate your own personalized SDK client for a complete OpenAPI spec in multiple programming languages with the help of Microsoft Kiota. By using your new personalized client that is generated by Kiota, all the complex aspects of calling APIs get handled for you automatically so that you could concentrate on what really counts: creating value for your end users.


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