Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Glimmer DSL for XML 1.4.0 HTML To Glimmer Converter

Glimmer DSL for XML (& HTML) 1.4.0 has been released! It includes a new HTML To Glimmer Converter that can automatically convert any legacy HTML code into Glimmer DSL Ruby code. Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby in the Browser Web Frontend Framework) has been upgraded to include both Glimmer DSL for XML 1.4.0 and Glimmer DSL for CSS 1.4.0 (which also recently included a CSS To Glimmer Converter).

Change Log (1.4.0)

  • html_to_glimmer converter command for automatically converting HTML to Glimmer DSL Ruby code
  • Support p keyword directly within Glimmer DSL for XML (without having to use the custom tag keyword like tag(:_name => "p"))
  • Provide Kernel#pi (puts inspect) alias in case someone needs to use Ruby p inside the xml or html block of Glimmer DSL for XML

Below is the documentation for the new HTML To Glimmer Converter.

Happy Glimmering!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the catch Ged. I just fixed it by removing the link (I originally copied the (relative) link from the GitHub project into the Gist, which is why it wasn't working there. It is not really needed in the Gist though).
