Tuesday, September 03, 2024

10x Developer Puzzle, Solved!!!

Here is a thought! The mythical 10x Developer is simply a developer that eliminates 9/10 of unnecessary over-engineered code, and then writes the remaining 1/10 of the code needed at the productivity rate of a 1x Developer!

Such a developer might come across as a 10x Developer to others when in fact, all they are is a 1x Developer that knows how to cut the fat of over-engineering out and avoid unnecessary overhyped libraries/languages/technologies to eliminate 9/10 of development waste and only do 1/10 of the work otherwise done. 

I believe I have just solved the 10x Developer puzzle for once and for all! The 10x Developer mystery has been demystified for good!!

P.S. Of course, there is no I in a team! What was mentioned can be followed by all members of a team. In the end, it is not about any individual in a team. It is about the team delivering the best work possible for customers. 

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