Friday, January 11, 2008

Attitude Towards New Technologies

When you hear about a new language, framework, library, or technology, what is the first thought that goes through your mind?

Some developers immediately think about ways to deface the new technology, find faults with it, or come up with reasons for not using it. These are the developers that make good risk managers as they are thinking more about the potential pain and they would like to minimize it.

Other developers immediately think about ways to use the new technology and find great applications for it that can improve their productivity or project quality. These are the developers that make good creative thinkers as they are focusing more on the potential pleasure and they would like to maximize it.

Nonetheless, most developers oscillate between the two mentalities depending on the current mood and circumstances, and both kinds of mentalities are useful to have in a software development team.

What attitude do you usually have on first encounters with new technologies? Do you focus more on potential pain or pleasure?

1 comment:

Dave Hoover said...

I guess I would make a bad risk manager because when I'm introduced to a new technology, I'm always trying to figure out ways to use it.

Great post, Andy!