Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rails Engines Patterns at RailsConf 2012

Just a note that I will be speaking soon at RailsConf 2012 (Apr 23-25) about Rails Engines Patterns in Austin, Texas.


This talk covers a successful utilization of Rails Engines to share features that cut across the layers of MVC in different Rails 3 projects. Rails Engines thus provide the best of both worlds: improved productivity by reusing MVC code (including assets like Javascript, CSS, and Images) and better flexibility by allowing different applications to customize behavior as needed without reliance on application-dependent conditionals. Rails Engine patterns will be provided to guide developers on how to leverage Rails Engines' reusability and flexibility without sacrificing maintainability.


  • Basics of Rails Engines
  • Rails Engine Patterns
  • Improved Productivity Tips
  • Summary of Benefits and Trade-Offs

Attendees should walk away with an overview of Rails Engines and guidelines on how to utilize them effectively.

Hopefully will see some of you blog readers there.

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