Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Puts Debuggerer v0.7.1 with run_at condition option

Puts Debuggerer v0.7.1 is out.

(defaults to awesome_print as its print_engine now)

Ever wished you'd see debug statements only the first time a puts statement executes, and avoid printing 10 or 100 times in a test run? Now you can with PutsDebuggerer.run_at option.


(default = nil)
Set condition for when to run as specified by an index, array, or range.
  • Default value is nil meaning always
  • Value as an Integer index (1-based) specifies at which run to print once
  • Value as an Array of indices specifies at which runs to print multiple times
  • Value as a range specifies at which runs to print multiple times, indefinitely if it ends with ..-1 or ...-1
Can be set globally via PutsDebuggerer.run_at or piecemeal via pd object, run_at: run_at_value
Global usage should be good enough for most cases. When there is a need to track a single expression among several, you may add the option piecemeal, but it expects the same exact object passed to pd for counting.
Examples (global):
  PutsDebuggerer.run_at = 1
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing

  PutsDebuggerer.run_at = 2
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output

  PutsDebuggerer.run_at = [1, 3]
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing

  PutsDebuggerer.run_at = 3..5
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing

  PutsDebuggerer.run_at = 3...6
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing

  PutsDebuggerer.run_at = 3..-1
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # ... continue printing indefinitely on all subsequent runs

  PutsDebuggerer.run_at = 3...-1
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints nothing
  pd (x=1) # prints standard PD output
  pd (x=1) # ... continue printing indefinitely on all subsequent runs

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