Monday, May 25, 2020

Math Bowling 2

Math Bowling 2, an open-source math game written in Glimmer (Ruby Desktop Development Library), has been released!

You may check its GitHub repo for an example of a complete desktop application written in Ruby using Glimmer.

Here are also video demos of the game for a quick tutorial on how to play:

In other related news, Glimmer (Ruby Desktop Development Library) 0.7.6 and Gladiator (Glimmer Editor) 0.1.6 have been released.

Glimmer change log for v0.7.6:

- Support text widget selection data-binding explicitly
- Make specs pass on Linux
- Maintain tree item expansion on data-binding related changes
- Make scaffolded apps launch from bin file not app file

Gladiator change log for v0.1.6:

- Support Linux explicitly (sort of)
- Make file tree maintain expansion state on refreshes caused by internal & external changes

Happy Glimmering!

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