Thursday, May 02, 2024

Simple Test for Revealing Fake Rubyists in the Rails Community

Here is a very easy test for figuring out if someone in the Rails community is a Real Rubyist who truly gets Ruby and its unique benefits 100% compared to other programming languages or a Fake Rubyist who is just riding the Ruby on Rails bandwagon because it is "cool" or because they heard about it from an acquaintance without thinking for themselves.

Tell that Rubyist that they can now use Ruby in the Frontend in place of React and other JavaScript technologies to enable all of Ruby's productivity, readability, and maintainability benefits in the Frontend, meaning doubling productivity (at minimum), cutting down development cost and time by half with acceptable-performance/small-download-size for most business apps, writing very highly readable and understandable code that is truly fun and makes developers happy, and enabling reuse of Backend Ruby in the Frontend, thus enabling maximum teamwork, which could result in more than 2x productivity improvement, potentially 10x for the entire team! 

If that does not excite that Rubyist to the max, they are as Fake as they come!!! Such people do not really understand Ruby and use it more in a Monkey-See-Monkey-Do fashion. After all, if someone truly gets Ruby 100% and cares for their customers 100%, then by logical deduction, they would be insanely excited about using Ruby in the Frontend to multiply productivity by many folds for their customers while delivering the best value possible to them.

Fortunately, I have encountered many Real Rubyists who passed this test as they had a super high level of awesome excitement about using Ruby in the Frontend due to caring about their customers and wanting to deliver the best solutions imaginable to them.

But, also with this test, I have been able to reveal many Rubyists as Fake Rubyists who are cheating their customers by bleeding 200%-1000% in wasted work productivity/cost/time with inferior inside-the-box JavaScript technologies (e.g. React) just because "everybody does it, so we should do it too". I would say they make up about 50% of today's Ruby on Rails user community unfortunately. Such Fake Rubyists turned out to be mindless people who follow what the popular "fashion" of the industry is and what "Large Company XYZ" uses to determine their decisions instead of thinking for themselves or doing their own Software Engineering Pros/Cons/Trade-offs analyses to determine what provides the best value for their customers. Ironically, that goes 100% against how Rails came to being as it was a highly contrarian technology when it came out in the mid-2000's that thought outside the box of what was popular because it cared about delivering the most value to customers instead of wasting time using over-engineered bloated technologies. Fake Rubyists not only stand in the way of innovation and progress due to being attached to inferior technologies (e.g. React) just for personal biases and emotional attachments that are not grounded in any correct Software Engineering analyses, but they also work half as productively as Real Rubyists if not much slower. That is because they produce highly over-engineered bloated JavaScript code that is much more expensive to maintain (in addition to maintaining its build, like webpack), is difficult to reason about compared to Ruby code, does not follow good Software Engineering best practices, creates friction against the Ruby Way and Rails Way, has bad separation of concerns that do not map directly to business domain concepts (e.g. using weird low-level concepts, like React state hooks and effects), forces rewriting Backend Ruby code in Javascript to reuse directly in the Frontend, and has awful trade-offs that favor premature optimizations despite the business apps being built having only a few Frontend interactions or a few elements that do not need optimizations, but need more maintainable code. You can learn more about issues related to using React specifically in this blog post: "Over-Engineering, Bad Teamwork, and Unethical Behavior in React Developers".

For Real Rubyists who do want Ruby developer happiness and amazing fun in the Frontend while multiplying their productivity and savings in cost/time for their customers, check out this very recent 2024 talk about the topic: Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web. It mentions how a sophisticated React.js page in a real business application got re-written via Ruby in the Frontend, cutting code down to about ~50% the old code, but with much more readable and understandable Ruby code, causing the main React component to shrink by 10x as Ruby enabled a much better Software Design and separation of concerns. If you are completely new to Ruby in the Frontend, check out the talk: Intro to Ruby in the Browser.

Over-Engineering, Bad Teamwork, and Unethical Behavior in React Developers

I have observed that most React developers tend to over-engineer their solutions, tend to not-respect other people's opinions if they disagreed with theirs (bad for teamwork), and tend to be unethical, lying a lot about the weaknesses of React, thus very negatively impacting teamwork, slowing down productivity, and cheating customers with higher development costs. That is in spite of React weaknesses being very glaring and embarrassing, like the Fetch Waterfall issue, among many others, which any smart well-grounded Software Engineers saw from a mile away when they heard of the unsound design of React. And, due to that unsound design, every time React comes up with a new solution to one of their embarrassing problems, they end up being very over-engineered solutions that would not be needed in the first place if React had better design. 

Also, as part of lying a lot, many React folks claim that React code is "modern" and "easier to reason about" when in fact React code follows techniques that were known from the 70's in languages like Lisp, and is much much much more complex to reason about given it mixes concerns badly inside low-level mathematical functions that force developers to think about the whole scope of a page consisting of a hierarchy of highly-coupled functions instead of following much superior techniques that make us think about code exactly the same simple way we naturally think about the world outside of software at a high-level, which were invented during the Lisp days as an advanced form of Functional Programming called Object Oriented Programming (contrary to popular myth, OOP is part of FP, not apart from it; as OOP is simply smart data that knows its own functions). React folks try to re-invent weird complicated ways of writing code (like state-hooks/effects & nesting functions within functions within functions) just to show off how "clever" they are instead of simply adopting the simple ways that are proven to facilitate better teamwork in the Software Engineering community.

I think many React developers lie partly because they do not really understand the Software Design decisions behind React and just like to repeat what they hear from its creators without thinking for themselves, just because the sayings they repeat were said by what they deem as "important people at important companies", assuming they are infallible people who never make mistakes. Like for example the saying "easier to reason about", which if they thought for themselves with an objective analysis, they would realize right away that it is not true whatsoever about React, which tends to mix business data/logic concerns with presentation and view concerns. A lot of React folks will then try to show off how "clever" their techniques are, despite the fact that "clever code" is known as a Software Engineering Anti-Pattern. 

The lack of ethics in many React developers and in the React creators is not surprising about React given it comes from Facebook, an unethical company that is known for spying on its own users. Just for the lying alone being very common in the React community, I would pass on using React in any new projects involving Frontend interactions given that it encourages unethical behavior in developers. 

Thursday, March 07, 2024

Montreal.rb March 2024 Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web

The talk video and slides have been posted for the Montreal.rb March 2024 talk "Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web".

YouTube Video:

Google Slides:

Talk Description:

Rubyists would rather leverage the productivity, readability, and maintainability benefits of Ruby in Frontend Web Development than JavaScript to cut down development cost and time by half compared to using popular yet inferior JavaScript frameworks with bloated JavaScript code as per Matz's suggestion in his RubyConf 2022 keynote speech to replace JavaScript with Ruby. Fortunately, this is possible in 2024!

This talk is a continuation of the previous Montreal.rb talk "Intro to Ruby in the Browser", which ended by promising a new way in the future for developing Web Frontends that would completely revolutionize the way we think about and do Frontend Development using Ruby instead of JavaScript. The future is now!!! The simplest, most intuitive, most straight-forward, and most productive Frontend Framework in existence is here! It is an open-source Ruby gem called Glimmer DSL for Web.

Think of Glimmer DSL for Web as the Rails of Frontend Frameworks. With it, you can finally live in Rubyland in both the Frontend and Backend on the Web! That opens up the door to ideas like rendering Frontend Components in the Backend as Server Components in the future, eliminating the conflict between ERB and JS frontend rendering technologies by leveraging highly readable, maintainable, and productive Ruby code isomorphically.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Upcoming March 2024 Montreal.rb Talk "Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web"

I will be giving a Montreal.rb Ruby meetup talk titled "Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web" on Wednesday, March 6 2024 at 7pm ET (doors open at 6:15pm ET). The event will be hosted at Lexop (506 McGill St Suite 400, Montreal, Quebec, Canada). The talk description is below. In my opinion, this is the most exciting Ruby topic in 2024 for doubling productivity and halving cost and time in developing and maintaining Rails Frontends compared to using inferior JS technologies like React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, etc... I strongly believe this will be the most important Ruby investment in 2024. Anyone who ignores it will be stuck in what is like the Ice Age of Frontend Development by comparison, kinda like riding horse carriage compared to driving a Ferrari.


Talk Description:

"Rubyists would rather leverage the productivity, readability, and maintainability benefits of Ruby in Frontend Web Development than JavaScript to cut down development cost and time by half compared to using popular yet inferior JavaScript frameworks with bloated JavaScript code as per Matz's suggestion in his RubyConf 2022 keynote speech to replace JavaScript with Ruby. Fortunately, this is possible in 2024!

This talk is a continuation of the previous Montreal.rb talk "Intro to Ruby in the Browser", which ended by promising a new way in the future for developing Web Frontends that would completely revolutionize the way we think about and do Frontend Development using Ruby instead of JavaScript. The future is now!!! The simplest, most intuitive, most straight-forward, and most productive Frontend Framework in existence is here! It is an open-source Ruby gem called Glimmer DSL for Web.

Think of Glimmer DSL for Web as the Rails of Frontend Frameworks. With it, you can finally live in Rubyland in both the Frontend and Backend on the Web! That opens up the door to ideas like rendering Frontend Components in the Backend as Server Components, eliminating the conflict between ERB and JS frontend rendering technologies by leveraging highly readable, maintainable, and productive Ruby code isomorphically."

Friday, February 16, 2024

Ruby Dev Summit 2024 Interview w/ Andy Maleh

Recently, I was interviewed for the 2024 Ruby Dev Summit, and a video podcast of the interview was just posted online and is available to watch for free for the next 24 hours (Fri, Feb 16 3pm ET till Sat, Feb 17 3pm ET). Click the "Watch Now" link under my name (Andy Maleh) to see the interview:

Here is a direct link to my 2024 Ruby Dev Summit interview video (if you missed the 24h free period to watch the video, click on the free Apple Podcast link or Google Podcast link to listen to the interview for free):

My 2024 Ruby Dev Summit interview was also published on the free podcast, Ruby Rogues:

Ruby Rogues Apple Podcast link for my 2024 Ruby Dev Summit interview:

Ruby Rogues Google Podcast link for my 2024 Ruby Dev Summit interview:

Here is a list of links for topics mentioned during the interview as well as how to find me:

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Montreal.rb Jan 2024 Building an AI Medical Scribe in Ruby

The video of the Jan 2024 Montreal.rb Ruby Meetup A.I. talk "Building an AI Medical Scribe in Ruby" by Jean-Sebastien Boulanger (CTO of Circle Medical) has been posted.

Talk Description:

In this talk, I'll share insights from our experience creating an AI medical scribe using Ruby at Circle Medical, a hybrid primary care provider seeing over 50,000 patients monthly. We leveraged Large Language Models (LLMs) to create a scribe to enhance clinical documentation and save doctors' time.

YouTube Video:

Happy Learning!

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Glimmer Goes Web!!!

Last September, I gave a talk at my local Ruby meetup titled "Intro To Ruby in the Browser" about how to use Ruby for Frontend Development in Rails as a complete replacement for JavaScript as per Matz's RubyConf 2022 Keynote Speech. If you have not had a chance to watch the talk's video, please do so now:

In essence, I gave an introductory tutorial of how to use Ruby in the Browser using 2 options: Ruby WASM and Opal Ruby, walking attendees step by step through introductory examples, including how to share Ruby code between the Backend and Frontend. I concluded the talk by mentioning advanced techniques for using Ruby in the Browser including a then upcoming project called Glimmer DSL for Web that would make Ruby in the Browser the simplest, most intuitive, most straight-forward, and most productive Software Engineering experience in Frontend Development in any Programming Language or Technology. 

Well, The future is now! Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby in the Browser Web GUI Frontend Library) just had its 0.2.2 Beta Release, and is nearly feature-complete for a 1.0.0 release. In fact, I will present it in person at the March 6, 2024 Montreal.rb Ruby Meetup I will let you discover it and learn more about it through the code examples and usage instructions included below straight out of the project's README. Happy Glimmering on the Web!!!