Friday, October 22, 2010

Rails Tutorial Submission at EclipseCon 2011

I submitted this tutorial proposal for EclipseCon 2011. If it catches your interest, please comment/vote for it by following the link at the bottom

Title: Behavior Driven Web Development with Rails, Aptana, and Cucumber


If you have been waiting for a good excuse to finally plunge into the Ruby world and learn the wildly popular Rails web framework, this is the tutorial to attend at EclipseCon. Not only does it cover the basics of Ruby and Rails, yet also behavior/test driven development with Cucumber/RSpec. The Eclipse-based Aptana RadRails IDE will be the main tool used in this tutorial.

The tutorial will include:

  • Basics of Ruby including some basics in meta-programming

  • Basics of Rails covering MVC and configuration

  • Basics of Behavior Driven Development with Cucumber

  • Basics of Test Driven Development with RSpec

  • Basics of the Eclipse-based Aptana RadRails IDE for Ruby on Rails development

  • An example Ruby on Rails application that walks students through learning the different components of a Rails application

Most of the material of the tutorial will be inspired by the Rails training courses I have given at Obtiva, such as the Rails TDD Bootcamp and the Rails 10-week Evenings Course (self-authored)


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