Friday, January 18, 2008

Glimmer Is Stylin'

Take a look at this Glimmer (introduced here) code snippet:
table(SWT::BORDER) {
  layout_data, SWT::FILL, true, true)
  table_column {
    text "First Name"
    width 80
It may look clean enough to a casual SWT developer such as myself, but upon presenting Glimmer at a Chicago Area Ruby meeting, someone pointed out how it violates one of Glimmer's philosophies by repeating the word SWT before every style constant. Of course Glimmer Listens, and just when you thought Glimmer's syntax couldn't get any cleaner, you get this:
table(:border) {
  layout_data, fill, true, true)
  table_column {
    text "First Name"
    width 80
Notice the difference? Styles don't need a bulky "SWT::" prefix anymore. Just because Glimmer's fans loyal to its philosophies saw that improvement coming, that doesn't mean there won't be any surprises in the future. ;)

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