Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Using Glimmer to compose new hierarchical Ruby DSLs

On March 3rd, I will be giving a new ChiRb talk about Glimmer:

Using Glimmer to compose new hierarchical Ruby DSLs

While Glimmer is mainly a DSL (Domain-Specific-Language) for authoring platform-independent desktop applications with Eclipse SWT, its engine is generic and flexible enough to enable composing any sort of hierarchical Ruby DSL.
In this presentation, Andy Maleh will tear Glimmer’s engine apart to explain the Ruby meta-programming tricks and design patterns that help pull its neat DSL magic off. Additionally, Andy will demonstrate how to extend Glimmer’s engine to enhance its syntax for specific needs. Finally, he will show an example of a completely new DSL built on top of the Glimmer engine.
Attendees will walk away with enhanced Ruby meta-programming knowledge and a full understanding of the Glimmer engine, how to extend it, and how to reuse it to compose new hierarchical Ruby DSLs.
Let the Glimmering begin!!!

Aon Center
200 E. Randolph
Chicago , IL 60601
25th Floor
(312) 373-1000

Monday March 03, 2008 06:00 PM

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