Friday, December 05, 2008

Glimmer Finally Available at GitHub

Yes! After so many requests, Glimmer's Eclipse SVN Repository is finally cloned at GitHub (thanks to Soleone's suggestion to use git-svn):

Here is the main GitHub project page:

This will make it much easier for people to contribute to Glimmer. Instead of checking out the SVN repository and submitting patches back to me to merge. Developers can now fork Glimmer completely on GitHub, commit multiple changes, and then notify me to merge the forked version back into the origin/trunk.

Happy Glimmering!


Ismael Juma said...

Nice. Maybe vote for:


Andy Maleh said...

Thanks. I cast my vote.

It would be even better if Eclipse can somehow allow hosting at GitHub as they have nice forking/tracking diagrams over there.

Chris Aniszczyk (zx) said...

Andy, make sure that any patches you get go through Eclipse's bugzilla systems for legal reasons.

Other than that, it's cool that you can clone a repo like that!