Monday, December 22, 2008

Glimmer Short Talk Description Change for EclipseCon 2009

I reported a few days ago that I will be presenting Glimmer at EclipseCon 2009:

I just wanted to mention that I updated the description to provide more value to attendees in the 10-minute talk that I will be giving in 2009. Last year, I provided a quick introduction to what Glimmer is about. This year, I will expand by demonstrating the latest features added to Glimmer.

Here is the part I specifically changed in the talk's description:
In this presentation, I will introduce Glimmer, demo the latest features by contrasting the code of an application written in both Glimmer and classic SWT, and finally provide a quick update on the status of the project.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the conference.

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