Saturday, June 15, 2024

Todo MVC Ruby Edition Is the One Todo MVC To Rule Them All!!!

Update 2024-06-29: I am sorry for missing the fact that the Hyperstack Todo MVC, written in Frontend Ruby using the Hyperstack framework, already made the accomplishment of being the one Todo MVC to rule them all (it was not listed on the Todo MVC website), albeit the project is out of date and has not had a release in 3 years (2021) as of the time of writing. But, I was still right about Todo MVC Ruby Edition being the One Todo MVC To Rule Them All! And, I suppose this Todo MVC is the current reigning king given that the other one's project is not actively maintained.

Todo MVC is a popular sample that is built in all Web Frontend Frameworks to provide a comprehensive SPA (Single Page Application) example covering all basic Frontend features. As such, it provides Software Engineers with a very good idea of how day-to-day Frontend Development would be with every Frontend Framework, whether in JavaScript, using React, Angular, Ember, or Vue, or in a Compile-to-JavaScript language, using something like Elm, GWT, or Scala.js. I am happy to announce that Todo MVC has just been built using Glimmer DSL for Web with 100% Frontend Ruby code (included in Glimmer DSL for Web version 0.2.7). And, this version's code is easily simpler, more minimalistic, more readable, and more maintainable than all 45+ versions on the Todo MVC website! I can confidently say it is the one Todo MVC to rule them all (Update 2024-06-29: Hyperstack Todo MVC is as per the heading at the top of the article, but it is no longer maintained, and my version definitely beats all the ones mentioned on the Todo MVC website)! Thanks to the awesomeness of Ruby in the Browser!!!

One of the most incredible things about the Frontend Ruby version of Todo MVC is that it is the only version that allows writing all code in Ruby instead of writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. That has the huge advantage of making the code a lot more readable and programmable in the minimalistic Ruby syntax than every other version as there is no need to muck with XML/HTML/JSX syntax anymore. Instead, Glimmer DSL for Web provides an HTML DSL for the HTML part, a CSS DSL for the CSS part (although it is still possible to use normal CSS or SCSS instead if preferred), and just plain Ruby code for the JavaScript part. And, the code flows very nicely from structure to logic to styling in one language (no need to add `<% %>` or `{ }` anymore) with excellent Object Oriented Design and separation of concerns, thanks to the MVP Architectural Pattern (Model-View-Presenter is a variation on MVC). That pattern includes clean Presenter and Model layers that offload presentation and business domain concerns from the View layer, making the View layer very slim and minimalistic, meaning Glimmer Web Components can get as small as 1/10 the size of React Components. Also, the Fronend-Ruby-to-JavaScript-transpiler that is used supports Ruby 3.1 features (like the Shorthand Hash Syntax), which is totally awesome! This provides the added advantage of being able to reuse Backend Ruby logic in the Frontend as is if needed (which is not possible in any JS framework).  

I think this is easily the future of productive Frontend Development in Rails for smart Ruby Software Engineers as it's not just a 10% or 50% improvement over JavaScript options like React, yet an exponential improvement, meaning 200%, 400%, or even 10,000% better depending on the Frontend app being built. And, it removes the need for Rails shops to hire extra JavaScript developers. Backend Ruby Software Engineers can now do Frontend work in Ruby, thus enabling businesses to cut their hiring budgets in half and scale better (on top of cutting development cost and time-to-delivery in half by writing half the code of JavaScript in Ruby)!!! 

Ruby in the Browser enables handling all kinds of interactions that are not possible by Hotwire, albeit with a simpler mental model. A lot of developers avoid Hotwire and default to JavaScript Frameworks like React because Hotwire cannot do everything. They don't have to be stuck with inferior JavaScript technologies anymore if they avoid Hotwire. They can write their Frontend code in Ruby much more effectively (200%-10,000% more) in 2024! Meaning, 12 months of work in React take about 3-6 months in Ruby. That's a massive difference that will make and break companies depending on whether they stick with outdated inferior JavaScript technologies or upgrade to awesome superior Ruby technologies. This is the same exponential jump in productivity that happened in the mid-2000 with Rails, but now happening in the Web Frontend.

I will leave you with the Todo MVC Ruby Edition code below, starting with the View layer, moving into the Presenter layer, and ending with the Model layer.

Happy Glimmering!

P.S. This version of Todo MVC is a very good start, but like most pieces of software, it does have room for improvement. For example, in the future, Glimmer DSL for Web could support a Frontend Routing API natively, and more View responsibilities could be pushed down to the Presenter and Model layers by taking more advantage of the Observer Pattern. If I update Todo MVC in the future, I will report on that in future blog posts.

P.S.2 CSS Rules are verbosely created with the `rule` keyword, but they could have been created with just `r` or `_` instead if Software Engineers would rather avoid the repetition of the `rule` keyword.

Todo MVC Code

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