Saturday, October 19, 2024

Glimmer DSL for Web Component Custom Event Listeners / Component Slots / Default Slot

Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby-in-the-Browser Web Frontend Framework) recently added support for Component Custom Event Listeners, Component Slots, and Default Slot in the 0.5.x & 0.6.x version releases. The new samples Hello, Component Slots!, Hello, Component Listeners!, and Hello, Component Listeners (Default Slot)! have been added as well and can be played around with in an online hosted Rails Sample Selector web app (the app takes a while to load because of cheap hosting, but once it loads, it is fast in the Frontend).

Component Slots is a feature that enables consumers of a component (e.g. address form) to contribute visual elements in one or multiple slots within the component (e.g. address form header and footer), thus facilitating extension of components following the Open/Closed Principle. The consumer code would just open a block matching the component slot name inside the content block of the consumed component.

Hello, Component Slots! is a new sample that demonstrates Component Slots. Notice how the 2 address forms are augmented with a header and footer inserted within their content.

Component Custom Event Listeners is a feature that enables component consumers to add listeners for custom events that are specific to certain components. Those events can be declared at the top of a component class via the `events :event1, :event2, ...` method. For example, an accordion component can support `on_accordion_section_expanded` and `on_accordion_section_collapsed` custom event listeners (via `events :events :accordion_section_expanded, :accordion_section_collapsed`), which consumers could hook into via `on_eventxyz` blocks in order to do some work when those events fire.

Hello, Components Listeners! is a new sample that demonstrates Component Custom Event Listeners with an `accordion` component that has expandable/collapsable sections. Each AccordionSection supports on_expanded and on_collapsed event listeners, and the full Accordion supports on_accordion_section_expanded and on_accordion_section_collapsed event listeners.

Default Slot: If a Software Engineer knows that a specific component slot will be the one used the most for a certain component (e.g. a slot for inserting content into an accordion), they can designate it as the default slot. That way, by simply adding content inside the content block of a consumed component, it will get added automatically to the default slot.

Hello, Component Listeners (Default Slot)! leverages this feature to simplify the consumer code for the AccordionSection component section_content slot in the Hello, Component Listeners! sample.

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