Friday, February 07, 2025

Imposter Syndrome vs True Imposters

I see too many posts on imposter syndrome and not enough posts on the other side of the spectrum, true imposters. You can’t trust an argument if it doesn’t cover both sides as otherwise it might be a covert scheme to get more unqualified imposters into the field of software engineering to steal the work and pay of truly qualified software engineers. Imposters often write shit code that hurts companies the most after the imposters have quit them to greener pastures, which is a common theme with them. They’re often unloyal and unreliable as they don’t stay in one place for long. Beware of imposters! They’re people who don’t have a 4-year degree in any field that relates to computers, engineering, or science, and who often don’t think for themselves, yet just mindlessly repeat what blog posters and open source project owners who work at large rich companies say on the Internet without questioning them with any proper pros/cons/tradeoffs analyses for their specific customer situations. 

To cover both sides of the argument as any proper argument should, imposter syndrome is different from being a true imposter because it happens in software engineers who are 100% qualified by having a 4-year university degree that related to computing, but are new to the software development market as professional workers, or are new to a position they have recently gained like engineering manager or CTO. Those software engineers are only suffering from lack of confidence in applying themselves to the field of software engineering as they feel out of place due to being new to their position. Once they have improved their practical skills enough (like by reading practical work software engineering books and building toy or open source projects), have accomplished enough successes at their job, and have humbly accepted coaching by more senior software engineers, they get over imposter syndrome and start feeling like they belong 100% to the field of software engineering. 

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